Rabu, 07 Maret 2012


Orion or Orion stars, is a constellation that is often touted as the hunter. This constellation is perhaps the most famous constellations and easily recognizable in the sky. Javanese people know the row of three belt stars (ζ, ε, and δ) and a row of three sword stars (M43, M42, and ι) as the plow constellation ("Star Pirate"). Brightness of the stars lie on the celestial equator and visible from all over the world, making this constellation widely known.

Orion the hunter standing next to the river Eridanus with his pursuer two dogs, Canis Major (big dog) and Canis Minor (small dog), against the Taurus, the bull. Other prey such as Lepus, the hare, are also nearby.

ORION history, as a bright constellation, Orion has been recognized by many ancient civilizations, though with a different picture.

Ancient Sumerians saw this star pattern as a sheep, while in ancient China, Orion was one of 28 zodiac Xiu (宿). Known as Shen (), which literally means "three", this constellation may be named for the three stars located in Orion's belt. See also the Chinese constellations.

These stars are considered as the God of Light, Osiris by the ancient Egyptians.

"The belt and sword" Orion are often cited in the literature of ancient and modern, and also recognized the symbol of the shoulder to the 27th Infantry Division U.S. Army during both world wars. This may be caused by the division's first commander was Major General John F. O'Ryan.

Austronesian sailors used it as an auxiliary pointing an imaginary line east-west. Javanese farmers to use as a guide during the start of the cultivation of rice in rainfed rice

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The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone