Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

culture dayak tattoo

lambang matahari dari budaya dayak

The symbol of the sun from the culture dayak

dayak culture

tattoo dari masa ke masa...
dari tattoo tradisional sampai ke tattoo modern...
setiap gambar tattoo di sebelah ini melambangkan satu arti...

Tattoo from the period to the period... From tattoo traditional as far as tattoo modern... Each picture tattoo on the side this symbolise synonymous...

clawn tattoo

psycho clown.... Tidak ada komentar.... Bingung

Psycho clown.... There is not the comment.... Confused


realist yang aku lihat terlalu sempurna....

Realist that is seen by me too perfect

ini awalnya adalah tattoo dadu, dan setelah sekian lama akhirnya aku bisa cover up dadu tersebut...
proses yang panjang untuk menutupi tattoo tersebut...karena ada lekukan- lekukan api disekitarnya

This initially is tattoo dice, and after so many old finally I could cover up these dice... The process that is long to cover tattoo this... because of having the indentation- the fire indentation around it

a gun tattoo

During pic, this stomach have not wanted quiet... am sick or must indeed breathe continue please?

saat gambar,perut ini tidak pernah mau diam...sakit atau memang harus bernafas terus ya?

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

culture tattoo

TATTOO comes from Tahitian “tatu” that it seems meaning that the sign. Although history proof tattoo this not very many, but the experts take the conclusion that art tattoo this has am since 12,000 bc. Ancient tattoo a kind of ritual for old ethnic groups like Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, etc. If you go to Egypt, please play-drop by at pyramids, possibly you can find tattoo eldest there. Because according to the history, the Egyptian nation that is the source grow fertile him tattoo in the world. The Egyptian nation will be known as the famous nation to be strong, so just because of their expansion against other nations, art tattoo this also slavishly spread the area, like to the Greek area, Persia, and Arabian.
Does the reason for old ethnic groups in the world make Tattoo? The Greek nation old use tattoo as the sign of recognition of the members from their intelligence body, alias the war spy at the time. Here tattoo showing the rank from the that spy carve. am different from the Roman nation, they use tattoo as the sign that someone that come from the group of the slave, and Tattoo also is tattooed to each body of his resistance. The Maori ethnic group in New Zealand makes Tattoo have the shape of carve's the spiral to the face and the behind. According to them, this is the descendants's good division sign. In the Solomon Islands, Tattoo make on the face of the woman as the rite to mark the new stage in their life. Almost same like above, people of the Nuer Ethnic Group in Sudan use Tattoo to mark the initiation rite to the male child. Red Indians depict the body and carve their skin to increase beauty or show the social status certain...
Tattoo alias Wen Shen or Rajah start to the Chinese country around 2000 bc. Wen Shen it seems meaning that “body acupuntur”. must be known, same like the Roman nation, the Chinese nation old use tattoo to indicate that someone has been imprisoned. Now in Tiongkok personally, the Tattoo culture is received to several of his minority ethnic groups, that were inherited by their ancestors, like the Drung ethnic group, Dai, and Li, but only the women who come from the Li ethnic group and Drung that having the habit tattoo her face. The story of the Tattoo customs and traditions this Drung ethnic group emerges around the period end of dynasty Emperor Ming (around 350 years ago), at that point they were attacked by a group of group of the other ethnic group and at the time they arrested several women from the Drung ethnic group to be made the slave.
in order to avoid the occurrence of the rape, these women afterwards tattoo their face to make them look more uninteresting in the eyes of the kidnapper. Although currently the women from this Drung minority ethnic group no longer in the situation are threatened by the attack from the other minority ethnic group, but they are still continuing to maintain this customs and traditions as a symbol of the strength of the maturity. The girls from the Drung minority ethnic group mentato his face when they aged between 12 and 13 years as a symbol of the maturing herself.There are several different explanations, why these women mentato his face. Some people say, that the resident of the Drung ethnic group considers the woman who has Tattoo is seen prettier and Adam's groups the Drung ethnic group will not marry a woman who does not have Tattoo on her face.
In Indonesia Mentawai people in the Mentawai island, the Dayak ethnic group in Borneo, and the Sumba ethnic group in the West Nusa Tenggara, have known tattoo since ancient. More over for the Dayak ethnic group, someone who is successful “head cut” his enemy, he get tattoo on his hands. Even so with the Mentawai ethnic group, tattoo him is not made at random. Before the production tattoo is carried out, there is the Enegaf Harvest alias the initiation ceremony that is carried out in Puturkaf Uma (the traditional house gallery the ethnic group mentawai). This ceremony is led by Sikerei (the shaman). After this ceremony was finished, just his Tattoo process is carried out.
INITIALLY, the material to make Tattoo come from the coconut shell charcoal that is mixt with sugar cane water. The equipment that is used is still being very traditional. Like the stem of wood, the needle and the hammer from the stick. People of the countryside are still using the manual technique and from traditional materials. Eskimos for example, use the needle that is made from animal bones. In Shaolin temples use the bucket copper that is heated to print the picture of the dragon to body skin.Pupils Shaolin that it was considered fills the condition to get the symbol, by sticking their two arms on a kind of picture edition of the available dragon on the other hand the bucket the hot copper. Far be different from now. At this time, especially in the social circle of urban areas, the Tattoo production is carried out with the electric machine. This machine is found during 1891 in England. Afterwards his colouring agent uses synthetic ink (ink tattoo).

cross tattoo

butuh waktu 2 minggu untuk menyelesaikan tattoo ini, dari awal gambar skull sampai gambar cross.
maaf jika saya menyakiti anda Mr. Teguh...

Need time 2 weeks to resolve tattoo this, from the start of the picture skull until the picture cross. Sorry if I hurt you Mr. Teguh...

nightmare before christmast

This person maniac against Jack from night before christmast. I make at 10 o'clock in the evening up until 01 o'clock evening, moderate to tattoo in foot him... When we finishing tattoo the Jack again bro?

manusia satu ini terlalu maniac terhadap si jack from nightmare before christmast.ngebuat jam 10 sampe jam 01 malem,lumayan untuk tattoo ini...kapan kita selesein tattoo si jack lagi bro...?

japanese tattoo, dragon fire

This design I created for a man that want to make tattoo for the first time. Evidently results of tattoo that is personally too big according to him, but continue to be seen frightening. and that's cool so i become jealous.....

design ini saya buat bagi seorang laki-laki bahwa ingin untuk membuat tato untuk pertama kalinya. Nampak hasil tato yang secara pribadi terlalu besar menurutnya, tetapi terus dinilai terlalu besar. dan itu mengagumkan oleh sebab itu aku menjadi cemburu....

About Me

my Name is Dimaz aka Jin'x, I am born in the small city in East Borneo. Goes to D. I Jogjakarta in 2000. Can make a small studio that has a name 2-nd Mind Station, although in the long run has in am closed because of a national incident (the Jogja Earthquake 27 mei'2006).
and finally clear come back in 2007. I can then have the patient from various cities in part:
(how brutal him my machine? )
Now on help from various sides, I try to come back exist after old because of the study. Say that often I make the model.....
"The Lord will not bring me as far as this is concerned if only to leave me "
Thanks for vist my blog


contact us

Email : kulitattoo@yahoo.com

Friendster : www.friendster.com/kulitattoo

Office : Angel Night Syndicate

Phone : +6281328892146 - +6281804050678

Addrees : Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda VIII / Gg. Srikaya I No. 23/11 Samarinda 75124 Kalimantan Timur - Indonesia

The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone