Senin, 11 Agustus 2008

eye extreme tattoo

design terunik yang pernah aku liat, walaupun hanya dari sebuah website...

Design am most unique that once I was tough, although only from one website...

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2008

pose pic


the pose....narcist...!!!!

make tattoo

aku juga sering merasakan sakit di tattoo, jadi kita seri sakit nya kan...???hehehehehe....

I also often feel am sick in tattoo, so we the series is sick him would...??? Hehehehehe....

turtle tattoo

toll tattoo

ini adalah salah satu perangkat yang aku pakai untuk melakukan tattoo, berusaha untuk higienis dan memberikan kepercayaan penuh terhadap klien yang datang pada ku.... thank's my friend's....

This is one of the equipment that I with to do tattoo, try to hygienic and give the full confidence in the client who comes to me.... thank's a lot my friend....

cover up tattoo

sakit yah ndit...????
tapi lumayan bagus hasilnya???

sakit yah ndit...????
tapi lumayan bagus hasilnya???

indian skull

make piercing

make piercing...

melakukan piercing

pig tattoo???

apakah betul babi ini melakukan tattoo dibadan nya...????

True this pig do tattoo on his body...????

make tattoo

aku benar - benar minta maaf ya yuki... maaf dah menyakiti badan mu atas ke kejaman mesin aku....

kapan selesainya kalau kamu selalu berhenti terus?

I am really apologise please yuki... sorry have hurt your body am upper to to my machine time.... When being finished him if you always stop continuing?



mari kita bergaya..........

Let's be stylish..........

The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone