10. Pokoknya Beres (1983), Sutradara: Arizal
Us Us sebagai bapak kos
membuat film yang seperti kliping adegan-adegan ini jadi lebih terasa
“rumahan”. Dono, Kasino, Indro, plus Eva Arnaz dan Lidya Kandou yang
nyaris selalu pakai short pant dan kaos ketat sepanjang film hampir
seperti keluarga di sini. Warkop menggambarkan para perantau yang jadi
pengangguran, dan disibukkan oleh salah paham kecil dan
kesialan-kesialan kecil di antara para penghuni kos sendiri.
9. CHIPS-Cara Hebat Ikut Penanggulangan Masalah Sosial (1983), Sutradara: Iksan Lahardi.
film seri CHIPS yang dibintangi Eric Estrada, Warkop jadi anggota
polisi bermotor swasta pimpinan Oom Junet (Panji Anom) yang mata
keranjang. Selalu sial dalam tugas, para anggota CHIPS ala Warkop ini
juga jadi sindiran tentang budaya suap di kalangan aparat kepolisian
waktu itu. Lihat saja adegan Kasino memeras si Oom dengan kata
“Jangkrik, booos....!”
8. Manusia 6000000 Dollar (1981), Sutradara: Ali Shahab.
mengejar copet, Dono ketabrak bemo, jadi manusia bionik. Diilhami
sukses film seri TV The Six Million Dollar Man tentang Steve Austin (Lee
Mayors). Dono harus menyelamatkan Eva Arnaz, dan melawan si gigi besi
Jack John –ini karakter yang diilhami salah satu musuh James Bond dalam
Moonraker. Adegan tak terlupakan: Kasino berburu copet, malah digebuki
di pasar disangka copet.
7. Sama Juga Bohong (1986), Sutradara: Chaerul Umam.
ditulis N. Riantiarno. Sutradara dan penulis skenario yang biasa dengan
film “nyeni” membuat film ini sangat unik dibanding film-film Warkop
lainnya. Dono dibantu Kasino-Indro membuat robot untuk pertunjukan amal.
Barangkali, ini salah satu dari sedikit sekali film Indonesia yang
menampilkan karakter robot. Film ini juga paling tak mengeksploitasi
keseksian perempuan.
6. Maju Kena Mundur Kena (1983), Sutradara: Arizal.
Warkop paling laris. Kasino jadi bos bengkel, dan Dono-Indro jadi
bawahannya. Kasino melarang anak buahnya naksir perempuan, tapi dia
sendiri terobsesi pada Marina (Eva Arnaz). Kemudian Marina satu kos
dengan mereka, tapi yang beruntung malah Dono yang diakui suami Marina
untuk menghindari dari perkimpoian paksa oleh kakek-neneknya. Film
diakhiri dengan Dono menyamar jadi pemain sepak bola wanita.
5. Setan Kredit (1982), Sutradara: Iksan Lahardi.
Kasino Indro jadi tim pembantu orang-orang yang kesulitan, termasuk
mencari dan mencoba menyelamatkan seorang anak yang diculik. Sepertiga
terakhir film ini menjadi komedi-horor, dengan trik-trik kamera yang
lumayan. Gaya mereka menghadapi pocongkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mirip dengan
film-film vampir Hongkong yang populer pada 1990-an.
4. Mana Tahan (1979), Sutradara: Nawi Ismail.
paling “lurus” dari Warkop, juga adalah film pertama mereka. Citra
“anak kos” dalam film ini tetap lekat pada mereka sampai film terakhir
mereka pada 1994. Citra yang menggambarkan mereka sebagai sekawanan
pemuda kurang kerjaan dan terobsesi pada perempuan. Masih dengan “Warkop
keempat” yang asli: Nano.
3. Pintar-Pintar Bodoh (1980), Sutradara: Arizal.
subjektif, inilah film Warkop terlucu menurut saya. Kritik sosialnya
suwir-suwir saja, tapi premis ceritanya sudah lucu: detektif culun
saling bersaing, dan semua kena nasib konyol. Momen paling ikonik: Dono
memarodikan gaya John Travolta di Saturday Night Live, dan Kasino
menyanyi “lagu kode”. Dibantu oleh Dorman Borisman, sebagai “Warkop
2. Dongkrak Antik (1982), Sutradara: Arizal.
ini, “Warkop keempat” adalah Mat Solar, yang budek dan suka nyabut bulu
hidung. Mereka jadi pegawai hotel yang serbasalah. Dono pelupa, Kasino
pemarah, Indro gagap. Di ujung film, mereka tampil sebagai band “Wah
Gede Banget!”, yang memelesetkan lagu-lagu Beatles dan Rolling Stone
jadi lagu-lagu-lagu daerah.
1. Gengsi Dong (1980), Sutradara: Nawi Ismail.
sebagai Slamet, Kasino sebagai Sanwani, Indro sebagai Paijo. Mereka
mahasiswa di kota Jakarta yang bersaing soal cewek dan gengsi. Slamet
yang paling kampungan, sebetulnya paling kaya. Sedang Sanwani yang suka
berganti-ganti mobil ternyata anak pemilik bengkel, dan mobil-mobil
Sanwani adalah mobil-mobil para pelanggan. Sindiran sosial yang
menghibur, tentang rapuhnya kebanggaan kelas sosial. Di film inilah
pula, Dono mulai terkenal dengan panggilan ”bemo”.
Senin, 12 September 2011
Minggu, 11 September 2011
10 hal yang tidak bisa di beli dengan uang
Uang, siapun butuh
uang. Orang Dewasa, Remaja bahkan anak – anak kecil sekalipun kenal
dengan benda yang namanya uang. Memang uang penting dalam kehidupan,
tanpa alat tukar ini kita tidak mukin bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup.
Uang membuat sebagian orang bisa melakukan banyak hal daripada orang
yang tidak memilikinya. Tetapi seberapapun pentingnya uang, masih ada
hal yang tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang.
- WaktuUang tidak akan bisa mengembalikan waktu yang telah berlalu. Setelah hari berganti, maka waktu 24jam tersebut akan hilang dan tidak akan mukin akan kembali lagi. Karena itu gunakan setiap kesempatan yang ada untuk menytakan perhatian dan kasih sayang anda kepada orang yang sangat anda sayang dan anda cintai, sebelum waktu itu berlalu dan anda menyesalinya.
- Kebahagiaan
Memang kedengarannya aneh, Tetapi inilah kenyataannya. Uang memang bisa membuat anda merasa senang karena anda bisa membiayai liburan mewah, memberi laptop dengan fasilitas yang sangat modern, atau modifikasi mobil balap. Tapi uang tidak bisa menghadirkan secercah kebahagiaan dari dalam lubuk hati kita. - Kebahagiaan Anak
Untuk membelikan makan dan pakaian yang bagus – bagus untuk anak tercinta memang membutuhkan uang. Tapi anda tidak bisa menggunakan uang untuk memberi rasa aman, tanggung jawab, sikap yang baik serta kepandaian pada anak anda. Hal ini merupakan buah dari waktu dan perhatian yang anda curahkan untuk mereka dan hal – hal baik yang anda ajarkan. Uang memang membantu kita memenuhi aspek pengasuhan, tapi waktu telah membuktikan bahwa kebutuhan dasar tiap anak adalah berapa banyak waktu yang diberikan orangtuanya, bukan orangnya. - CintaCinta tidak bisa dibeli dengan uang, akuilah hal ini benar. Memang dengan uang kita bisa membuat orang tertarik, tapi cinta berasal dari rasa saling menghargai, perhatian, berbagi pengalaman dan kesempatan untuk berkembang bersama. Itu sebabnya banyak pasangan yang menikah karena uang, tak bertahan lama.
- Penerimaan
Untuk diterima oleh lingkungan pergaulan, Anda tak butuh uang. Bila Anda ingin diterima, fokuskan energi Anda untuk membuat diri Anda berharga bagi lingkungan sekitar dengan menjadi teman dalam suka dan duka. - Kesehatan
Kita butuh uang untuk mengongkosi biaya perawatan dan membeli obat, tapi uang tak bisa menggantikan kesehatan yang hilang. Itu sebabnya pepatah lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati sebaiknya kita terapkan. Mulailah berolahraga, berhenti merokok, dan banyak hal lain yang pasti sudah Anda tahu. - Kesuksesan
Beberapa orang memang ada yang mencapai kesuksesan dengan menyuap, tapi ini adalah pengecualian. Kesuksesan hanya berasal dari kerja keras, kemauan, dan sedikit kemujuran. Ada aspek kecil dari usaha menuju sukses yang bisa didapatkan dengan uang, misalnya mengikuti pelatihan atau membeli peralatan, tapi sukses lebih banyak berasal dari usaha yang Anda lakukan sendiri. - Bakat
Kita dilahirkan dengan bakat tertentu. Dengan uang, yang bisa kita lakukan adalah mengasah bakat tersebut, misalnya belajar musik. Namun para ahli mengatakan, untuk menjadi ahli di bidangnya, kita membutuhkan bakat. - Sikap yang baik
Banyak orang yang kaya raya tapi sikapnya kasar dan ucapannya sinis. Tak sedikit orang sederhana yang tutur katanya sopan dan menunjukkan rasa hormat pada orang lain. Jadi, jumlah uang yang dimiliki bukan penentu sikap atau manner seseorang. - Kedamaian
Bila uang bisa membeli kedamaian, barangkali kita tak lagi mendengar tentang perang. Justru yang sering terjadi sebaliknya, uang lah yang menjadi sumber pertikaian dan permusuhan.
Someone who loves u
1. People who love you will never be able to give reasons why he loves you. All she knew in her heart and her eyes there is only you the only one.
2. Although you already have a special friend or lover, he did not care! For him the important thing you happy and you remain a dream.
3. People who love you will always receive what you are, at heart and you are always the prettiest eyes even though you may feel you've added weight.
4. The person who loves you always wanted to know about what you are going through all day today, he'd like to know you activity.
5. People who love you will send an SMS as 'good morning', 'have fun', 'good night', 'take care', and others, even though you do not reply to SMS her, because the shipment was the SMS she declared her love , expressed in different ways, not the "I LOVE you".
6. If you celebrate the new year and you did not invite him to a party that you held, at least he will make a telephone call to congratulate or send SMS.
7. People who love you will always remember every incident which he spent with you, maybe even your own events that have forgotten, because the moment is a precious moment for him. and then, his eyes would look in the mirror. because being with you does not always repeat itself.
8. People who love you will always remember every word you say, maybe even the words that you never forget to express yourself. because he pinned the words in your heart, how many words of hope that you tell a him, and eventually you destroy? surely you've forgotten, but not the one who loves you.
9. People who love you will learn to like your favorite songs, maybe even borrow the CD's you, because he wanted to know what you kgemaran - your favorite favorite too, though fond of your favorite hard, but eventually he could.
10. When was the last time you met, you're probably sick, he would sentiasa send SMS or make a telephone call to ask you state - because he was worried about you, cares about you.
11. If you said it would take an exam, she would ask when the exam took place, and when the day comes he will send an SMS 'good luck' to encourage you.
12. People who love you will give her an item that might be for you it is something ordinary, but her stuff was very special.
13. People who love you be quiet for a moment, while talking on the phone with you, so you get confused. Actually, when he felt very nervous because you have been thrilling world.
14. The person who loves you always wanted to be near you and want to spend his days with just you.
15. If at any time you have to move to another area, he would always advise that you be alert to the environment that might bring bad influence on you. and much dihatinya he really afraid of losing you, ever heard of 'distant eyes, close to the hearts? "
16. The person who loves you act more like brothers than like a lover.
17. People who love you often do things that makes cranky, as you called them 100 times a day. Or surprise you in the middle of the night by sending an SMS. Actually when he was thinking about you.
18. People who love you sometimes yearn for you and do the things that make you dizzy. But when you say his actions make you disturbed he will apologize and never do it again.
19. If you asked him to teach you something then he'll teach you with patience even though you might be the dumbest person in the world!. in fact he was so excited because it can help you. he never dodged difficult to meet demand despite whatever you request it.
20. If you look through his cell phone then your name will adorn most of his INBOX. He still had text messages from you even though you sent it for months or years ago. He also keeps the letters you somewhere special and giving you all the things that make it valuable.
21. And if you try to distance themselves from it or react to reject it, he will realize it and disappear from your life, even if it kills him.
22. If at any time you miss her and want to give him a chance he would be there waiting for you because he never actually find someone else. He sentiasa waiting for you.
23. People who love you so much, never force you give cause and reason, though his heart struggling to find out, because he does not want you burdened by it. when you begged her go, she went without blame you, because he really understands what love is
2. Although you already have a special friend or lover, he did not care! For him the important thing you happy and you remain a dream.
3. People who love you will always receive what you are, at heart and you are always the prettiest eyes even though you may feel you've added weight.
4. The person who loves you always wanted to know about what you are going through all day today, he'd like to know you activity.
5. People who love you will send an SMS as 'good morning', 'have fun', 'good night', 'take care', and others, even though you do not reply to SMS her, because the shipment was the SMS she declared her love , expressed in different ways, not the "I LOVE you".
6. If you celebrate the new year and you did not invite him to a party that you held, at least he will make a telephone call to congratulate or send SMS.
7. People who love you will always remember every incident which he spent with you, maybe even your own events that have forgotten, because the moment is a precious moment for him. and then, his eyes would look in the mirror. because being with you does not always repeat itself.
8. People who love you will always remember every word you say, maybe even the words that you never forget to express yourself. because he pinned the words in your heart, how many words of hope that you tell a him, and eventually you destroy? surely you've forgotten, but not the one who loves you.
9. People who love you will learn to like your favorite songs, maybe even borrow the CD's you, because he wanted to know what you kgemaran - your favorite favorite too, though fond of your favorite hard, but eventually he could.
10. When was the last time you met, you're probably sick, he would sentiasa send SMS or make a telephone call to ask you state - because he was worried about you, cares about you.
11. If you said it would take an exam, she would ask when the exam took place, and when the day comes he will send an SMS 'good luck' to encourage you.
12. People who love you will give her an item that might be for you it is something ordinary, but her stuff was very special.
13. People who love you be quiet for a moment, while talking on the phone with you, so you get confused. Actually, when he felt very nervous because you have been thrilling world.
14. The person who loves you always wanted to be near you and want to spend his days with just you.
15. If at any time you have to move to another area, he would always advise that you be alert to the environment that might bring bad influence on you. and much dihatinya he really afraid of losing you, ever heard of 'distant eyes, close to the hearts? "
16. The person who loves you act more like brothers than like a lover.
17. People who love you often do things that makes cranky, as you called them 100 times a day. Or surprise you in the middle of the night by sending an SMS. Actually when he was thinking about you.
18. People who love you sometimes yearn for you and do the things that make you dizzy. But when you say his actions make you disturbed he will apologize and never do it again.
19. If you asked him to teach you something then he'll teach you with patience even though you might be the dumbest person in the world!. in fact he was so excited because it can help you. he never dodged difficult to meet demand despite whatever you request it.
20. If you look through his cell phone then your name will adorn most of his INBOX. He still had text messages from you even though you sent it for months or years ago. He also keeps the letters you somewhere special and giving you all the things that make it valuable.
21. And if you try to distance themselves from it or react to reject it, he will realize it and disappear from your life, even if it kills him.
22. If at any time you miss her and want to give him a chance he would be there waiting for you because he never actually find someone else. He sentiasa waiting for you.
23. People who love you so much, never force you give cause and reason, though his heart struggling to find out, because he does not want you burdened by it. when you begged her go, she went without blame you, because he really understands what love is
can anyone pray for us
A successful businessman falls in the bathroom and finally a stroke, was 7 nights hospitalized in the ICU. While
people asleep in a dream the night, an Angel of the Spirit in the world
over to the entrepreneurs who lay berdaya.Malaikat initiate
conversation,"If within 24 hours there were 50 people praying for your recovery,then you will live and vice versa if the 24-hour number that I set were not met, it means you will die!
"If only looking for 50 people, it's easy mah ..."Said the businessman was a certainty.
After that the angel went away and promisedwill come an hour before the agreed deadline.At exactly 23:00, Angels back merngunjunginya;with the enthusiasm of the entrepreneur asks, "if tomorrow morning I have recovered? certainly many who prayed for me, the number of employees I've got more than 2000 people, so if only to find 50 people who prayed certainly not a difficult issue ".
Gently the angel said,"My son, I've been around for a consciencewho pray for you but until now only 3 people who pray for you, while you stay 60 minutes longer, it seems impossible that in the near future there are 50 people who prayed for your recovery. "
Without waiting for a reaction from the employers,The angel shows big screen TV in the form of three people who are praying for his recovery. On the screen appeared the face of grief from his wife, beside him there are two small children, the son of his daughter, who prayed fervently and there appears to be tears on their cheeks. "
The angel said, "I'll tell you,why did God give you a second chance missed?it's because your wife's prayers are not dashed hopes will kesembuhanmu "Return visible where the wife was praying at 2:00 at dawn,
"Lord, I know that during my husband's lifenot a good husband or father!I know he has betrayed our marriage,I knew he was dishonest in his business,and even if he contributes,it is only for popularity just to cover his actions are not right in front of you, but God, please view the children which Thou hast Leave it to us, they still need a father and the servant could not raise them alone.
"And after that she stopped to speak but the tears flowing down his cheeks that looked gaunt from lack of rest".
Looking at the event, without felt, tears streaming down her cheeks entrepreneurs. Regret that arise during this time he is not a good husband and father who became an example for their children, and tonight he just realized how much love my wife and kids to him.
Time passed, the time that he had only 10 minutes,see time running out the cry of the entrepreneur, the extraordinary remorse but the timing is too late!not possible within 10 minutes there were 47 people who prayed! With a half-muttered he asked,"Whether among my employees, relatives, business friends,organisasiku no friends who prayed for me? "
Replied the angel,"There are some who pray for you but they are not sincere, there is even grateful for a disease that you suffer now, it's all because you have been arrogant, selfish and not a good boss, you even have the heart to fire employees who are not guilty".
The businessman bowed low,and resignation that tonight is the last night for him,but he asked for a moment to see the child and the wife who faithfully guard all night.Added torrential tears, when looking athis eldest son was asleep in a chair hospitaland the wife who looked too tired to sleeplap in a chair while the youngest.
When the time 24:00 o'clock,suddenly the angel said,"My son, God sees your tears and sorrow!you did not die,because there are 47 people who prayed for you promptly at 24:00 ".With amazement and disbelief,the businessman asked who the 47 people it.Smiling, the angel showsa place he had ever visited last month.
Is not that the Orphanage? said the businessman quietly. True, my son, you never give assistance to them a few months ago, though I know your goal was simply to seek popularity alone and to attract the attention of governments and foreign investors.
This morning, one of the orphanage was read in the newspaper that a businessman had a stroke and had 7 days in ICU, after seeing a picture in the paper and believe that the guy who was in a coma is you, the man who had helped them and finally the orphanage children care agreed to pray for your recovery.
Prayer is powerfully effective, we often lazy, do not have the time, not burdened to pray for others. When we remember an old friend / family, we thought it was just a coincidence when we should pray for him, perhaps just as we remember him in a state of need prayer support from people who loved him.
"If only looking for 50 people, it's easy mah ..."Said the businessman was a certainty.
After that the angel went away and promisedwill come an hour before the agreed deadline.At exactly 23:00, Angels back merngunjunginya;with the enthusiasm of the entrepreneur asks, "if tomorrow morning I have recovered? certainly many who prayed for me, the number of employees I've got more than 2000 people, so if only to find 50 people who prayed certainly not a difficult issue ".
Gently the angel said,"My son, I've been around for a consciencewho pray for you but until now only 3 people who pray for you, while you stay 60 minutes longer, it seems impossible that in the near future there are 50 people who prayed for your recovery. "
Without waiting for a reaction from the employers,The angel shows big screen TV in the form of three people who are praying for his recovery. On the screen appeared the face of grief from his wife, beside him there are two small children, the son of his daughter, who prayed fervently and there appears to be tears on their cheeks. "
The angel said, "I'll tell you,why did God give you a second chance missed?it's because your wife's prayers are not dashed hopes will kesembuhanmu "Return visible where the wife was praying at 2:00 at dawn,
"Lord, I know that during my husband's lifenot a good husband or father!I know he has betrayed our marriage,I knew he was dishonest in his business,and even if he contributes,it is only for popularity just to cover his actions are not right in front of you, but God, please view the children which Thou hast Leave it to us, they still need a father and the servant could not raise them alone.
"And after that she stopped to speak but the tears flowing down his cheeks that looked gaunt from lack of rest".
Looking at the event, without felt, tears streaming down her cheeks entrepreneurs. Regret that arise during this time he is not a good husband and father who became an example for their children, and tonight he just realized how much love my wife and kids to him.
Time passed, the time that he had only 10 minutes,see time running out the cry of the entrepreneur, the extraordinary remorse but the timing is too late!not possible within 10 minutes there were 47 people who prayed! With a half-muttered he asked,"Whether among my employees, relatives, business friends,organisasiku no friends who prayed for me? "
Replied the angel,"There are some who pray for you but they are not sincere, there is even grateful for a disease that you suffer now, it's all because you have been arrogant, selfish and not a good boss, you even have the heart to fire employees who are not guilty".
The businessman bowed low,and resignation that tonight is the last night for him,but he asked for a moment to see the child and the wife who faithfully guard all night.Added torrential tears, when looking athis eldest son was asleep in a chair hospitaland the wife who looked too tired to sleeplap in a chair while the youngest.
When the time 24:00 o'clock,suddenly the angel said,"My son, God sees your tears and sorrow!you did not die,because there are 47 people who prayed for you promptly at 24:00 ".With amazement and disbelief,the businessman asked who the 47 people it.Smiling, the angel showsa place he had ever visited last month.
Is not that the Orphanage? said the businessman quietly. True, my son, you never give assistance to them a few months ago, though I know your goal was simply to seek popularity alone and to attract the attention of governments and foreign investors.
This morning, one of the orphanage was read in the newspaper that a businessman had a stroke and had 7 days in ICU, after seeing a picture in the paper and believe that the guy who was in a coma is you, the man who had helped them and finally the orphanage children care agreed to pray for your recovery.
Prayer is powerfully effective, we often lazy, do not have the time, not burdened to pray for others. When we remember an old friend / family, we thought it was just a coincidence when we should pray for him, perhaps just as we remember him in a state of need prayer support from people who loved him.
check the fuel
1. check tire pressure.
It may seem trivial, but considerable benefit in suppressing the consumption of fuel. Because if the air pressure is less, according to research, can lead to dissipation of fuel by 10-15%. So, make sure the tire pressure in the motor pet is always right before driving it.
2.cek wheel condition.
Example of straightness round, smooth rotation of the wheel and more. Service when the wheel rotation precision weight or not, will obviously slow down the motor, the trigger does not center rim (speleng), wheel bearings wear out, or lack of lubrication and so on.
3. adjust the spacing around the brake.
Because, when the brakes to stick, it will make the motor run so hard. So use the same fuel mileage does not match the motor. Hence, set the distance of the motor brake lever play both front and rear at least one third of the overall distance of main lever. Do not are too tight, because it was feared to be attached to the brake.
4. lubricant.
Lubricating oil of good power, able to make the engine rev more easily and can maintain perfect compression in the combustion chamber. This will create more engine power optima, so that the motor run faster (distance away), yet fuel-efficient. Remember that routine substitute for oil and does not exceed the recommended service (each 2,000-2.500KM) will make the engine performance is always fresh and smooth rotation.
5. set valve.
Slit valve is too loose or meeting can make the engine power down. riders also tend membetot more in gas to achieve rapid acceleration, the effect, lots of unused fuel. For that, the estrangement of these components need to be adjusted precisely according to specifications of each motor.
It may seem trivial, but considerable benefit in suppressing the consumption of fuel. Because if the air pressure is less, according to research, can lead to dissipation of fuel by 10-15%. So, make sure the tire pressure in the motor pet is always right before driving it.
2.cek wheel condition.
Example of straightness round, smooth rotation of the wheel and more. Service when the wheel rotation precision weight or not, will obviously slow down the motor, the trigger does not center rim (speleng), wheel bearings wear out, or lack of lubrication and so on.
3. adjust the spacing around the brake.
Because, when the brakes to stick, it will make the motor run so hard. So use the same fuel mileage does not match the motor. Hence, set the distance of the motor brake lever play both front and rear at least one third of the overall distance of main lever. Do not are too tight, because it was feared to be attached to the brake.
4. lubricant.
Lubricating oil of good power, able to make the engine rev more easily and can maintain perfect compression in the combustion chamber. This will create more engine power optima, so that the motor run faster (distance away), yet fuel-efficient. Remember that routine substitute for oil and does not exceed the recommended service (each 2,000-2.500KM) will make the engine performance is always fresh and smooth rotation.
5. set valve.
Slit valve is too loose or meeting can make the engine power down. riders also tend membetot more in gas to achieve rapid acceleration, the effect, lots of unused fuel. For that, the estrangement of these components need to be adjusted precisely according to specifications of each motor.
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The Hope
Take a break for a while from wrong life