Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

this what i call a holiday

 Prambanan Temple
 Borobudur Temple w/ Justyna
 On the boat when i'm going to Nusa Kambangan Island ( Alcatraz Indonesian Version )

and i found a guy. but not him made me interest.. he has Owl.... Nice bird sweetie....
 Pasir Putih, still in Nusa Kambangan Island, Cilacap Central Java.
 Hell Yeah....!!
 sitting down in here and imagine what will be happen with me long time ago in here, because this is a jail from Japan Military
 feel enjoy and better with fresh air and amazing neighbourhood in Pacet, East Java.
 B R O M O
still in Bromo with Justyna

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The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone