Sabtu, 10 September 2011

what we do if we got heart attack

Every year, millions of people die because they do not seek immediate medical help during a heart attack. Noteworthy is the heart attack is a medical emergency. In this situation, the race against heart muscle damage due to loss of blood supply.
In a medical guide book issued Mayo Clinic stated that stress or squeeze on the chest is the main symptom of heart attack. Heart attacks can also occur suddenly or be preceded an attack of angina (chest tightness). The pain caused can be permanent or intermittent. However, pain that lasts longer or severe chest or upper abdomen should not be ignored.
If you or someone else having a heart attack, then immediately contact a hospital that has a heart treatment facilities. According to Dr. Muhammad Munawar, JP Sp (K), a cardiologist from Binawaluya Heart Hospital, East Jakarta, heart patients should receive medical help for less than six hours since the attack.
Every minute that passes makes the more muscle tissue deprived of oxygen become damaged or die. If blood flow can be restored, the heart damage can be prevented or restricted.
Basically, there are two main treatment in patients with heart attacks. "The first is the administration of drugs thrombolysis to open clot and restore blood flow. When given less than three hours after the attack, then the result is very good," said Dr. Munawar.
Handling the second is to do percutanous intervension coronary (PCI) or percutaneous coronary intervention to dilate narrowed blood vessels. PCI is performed immediately after heart attack is called primary PCI. "The success of these measures reached 95 percent when performed no more than 95 minutes from the time of heart attack," added Dr. Munawar.
To get proper medical help, keep in mind is to bring the patient to a hospital that has facilities for heart attack and heart doctor on standby there

information for men...

Although sex is very enjoyable to be felt, but in general must be acknowledged that there are some risks which led to. The risk that one could arise because we are wrong in applying the techniques that made ​​the previous heating. The effects can affect a person's physical and psychic. As well as decreased libido and sagging breasts in women.

The breasts of every woman is a gift itself created by the Creator. But its existence is often used as a sex symbol. Because the shape is beautiful, taut, stimulating and mengairahkan.

Breast Squeezing Technique

Perform this technique breasts squeezed gently by moving around. Never pull out your partner's breasts or grab it out loud, this can lead to breast muscles become slack, especially if done in a long time. Squeezing technique is said to also an effort by stimulation of the breast enlargement results when done correctly.

Position Dangling Breasts

The woman on top is one of the positions of intercourse. In this position you can condense or pressed her breasts on your chest.

breast massage

Another technique that can be done that this time could be done by the female is using her boobs to squeeze or rub it into his back. This effect will give the impression of massage, especially if done by a large breasted woman again firm and plump. Techniques to do this is with the way men and women sitting back to her chest pressed to his back. Then lower the chest elevated. This technique can cause the sensation of stimulation of its own.

the talents of men

Are you a woman? Whether you're looking for future husband? Love someone because wealth is not wrong even though some would say "cewek matre". Your property will not be able to deceive nafikan though our mouths "I love him what it is." Wrong if you semata2 loves his wealth. Your "matre"? Okay, here ya ciri2 gifted man who is rich in his life:
1. HAVE SOME ACCOUNTSee if your loved one have more than one bank rekning. This could be an indication of her talent rich. Because, usually people who have a savings account two or more likely trying to manage his money properly. This type of man separates pnghasilannya outposts. For example, one account is used only for the transfer of salaries and expenditures, other savings accounts.
2. LIKE TO HELPNot appropriate if the person who likes to hoard treasure, stingy, and reluctant to share and give is a rich talented people. It is precisely the man who easily moved and easy to help people that deserve your lyrics. He is the type of person who would be relatively easy life. Somehow, the two of you will very rarely short of money. And most importantly, giving pleasure that there was no successor.
3. Have idealsDo not expect The rich when he gifted his life flowed like a river, which empties into going somewhere. Talented rich man who always had big plans in life. There's something in the future who want to reach. For that, he will have a short and medium term plans to achieve its goals. In dreams, he was not afraid of no MMPI that seems impossible.
4. BERHOBI NOT SPECIFICMen who have a specific hobby tend to spend their money for his hobby. This also applies to men who like to shop. Of course there are people who have had a rich vein specific hobby. However, after all not everyone can be rich have a fortune for granted. The man who does not have any specific hobbies usually will spend money to shop based on mood. He likely felt he had no specific requirements, so reluctant to buy seusatu.
5. BLIND PRICEHe did not know exactly what the difference is expensive or cheap goods. Him, yes shirt shirt. Shape like that, there is a fit and proper size are used to the office. Men like these would not be a problem with shirt cheapness.
6. NOSE BUSINESSHave you ever heard him say (more or less), "This could be a business opportunity. It could be tried." That is, he can see something, however small, as a business opportunity. Sodium absorption ratio and more people who have this ability. So, when he often throws comments related to business opportunities, can be rich he is talented.
7. HARD WORKERGot a business nose alone is not enough without the hard work. This is what distinguishes a heavyweight dreamer with a dream chaser. A dream chaser will try as hard to reach his goal. Surely it with hard work.
8. SpecialtyNote deh whether Si He's got one or two special skill. For example, he mastered the computer with a good, smart lobbying, or whatever. This special ability can be a capital he lived his life. Men of this type tend to survive in life.
9. MANY FRIENDSFriends were everywhere. Not only is a former high school friends, college, or office. But also from other communities, that you may have never anticipated. People who have lots of friends can mean a fairly extensive networking that is put in wherever he can live (well).
10. Social PRESERVESometimes you are annoyed because he was diligent to call or SMS is not essential to his friends. Just say hello to a prolonged course. Properly you should not upset because this is how to maintain friendships. People may have many friends, but if he can not keep, so vain.
11. EASY TO FRIENDOnly nice people who make friends easily. Go to any new place, he could easily have a chat friend. This indicates he's open, have a sense of humor, and broad-minded enough. People like this usually is not difficult to adapt to new environments, including new kinds of work. So he need not worry about not had a good job.
12. CONFIDENCEHe knew exactly what the pros and cons, and believe others do the same. So, he did not flinch when interacting with others, or required to do something new. Including him believe that he can live decent today or the day after tomorrow, with you.
13. FOCUSIn doing anything, he's focused. His attention is not easily divorced by something else. People who focus usually have a good responsibility. This relates to how he tried to reach his goal, completing the work, and seriously build a life with you.
14. OPTIMISTICYou almost never hear, "Ah, hard," Nah could "," no way I can do it, "" Lazy", and the like. He pessimist would be difficult to survive in life. Optimism can make a person able to do something that is a matter on paper is difficult.
15. HEALTHYSickly man will spend more time by not doing anything .. Not to mention the cost of doctors and hospitals are increasingly unreasonable high

10 simple things about women

Women are creatures that are unpredictable and sometimes often confuse men. But the truth is women are not as complicated and mysterious as you think, I tell you what they really want.
Based on polls conducted by Yourtango quoted as saying on Monday (7/27/2009), there are 10 simple things you really want a woman who may represent the most sensual creatures.
1. AppreciationWho says men who need valued? Women also wanted opinions, career, hobbies, friends, body and thoughts appreciated. If you do not agree with what you do or say, try to appreciate it and think positively that his opinion is a contribution that matters to you, rather than have to oppose too loud or angry.
2. SexOf course women want sex just as men. But that should be remembered, that women want sex is not just 'sex'. Give it a little physical touch such as massage on shoulders, legs or head, too, is one form of sexual touching for women.
3. RomanticismRomantic atmosphere can be created anywhere, not necessarily with dinner or watch a romantic movie in theaters outside. Turn on some candles in your home and treat her like a girlfriend that you really wanted, even if it had become the wife though.
Dating in the house, sex in cars, kissing like a first date, and all the things that make you fall in love with him should not stop when you are married and have other duties such as cleaning the house and raising children. Giving flowers to your partner without cause is a romantic idea that's worth a try.
4. TimeLove can indeed be expressed through the flowers, but giving free time to be together and treat women as a priority is much more representative of the feeling of love rather than providing any goods.It also includes help him finish the housework if she had become your wife. When you first arrive home from work, it never hurts to clean house and provide an exciting surprise for his wife.
5. DinnerFor a wife who was busy working from morning till evening, making dinner may be a burden that makes lazy to cook in the kitchen.
Although you are not a good cook, but you are greeted with a menu of dishes cooked in front of the door, guaranteed to make him happy, because he thinks you are willing to work hard and very understanding.
6. CommunicationWomen are creatures who love to talk. They know you love him, but to hear directly from your mouth would be her happy. Tell her if she looks beautiful and very sexy. It will make them feel happy.
When called sexy lady, he will think and act sexy, though not previously. Say that the cuisine delicious, thank you for having the kids off to school or wash tub. Let him know that you look at his efforts and thank you for it.
7. ConsistencyThis does not mean you have to be a boring person and predictable. The point is, try and give him support and love get yourself consistently and with energy that is endless so he feels comfortable.
8. Strong determinationHave a strong determination means you must be prepared to fight for anything for your partner. This does not have to do great things, try to pay attention to little things like listen when spoken.
9. Humor and ShameThese two properties are interrelated, it means having a sense of humor should be limited to shame. Women did enjoy a couple of funny and humorous, but they do not want their partner to do something embarrassing in public.
10. ChallengeWomen who feel motivated and got the shock of her life partner said they felt happier. Based on a poll, women are happier when getting a boost from their partners to achieve the goals of his life, because he will feel challenged to achieve that goal

The Heart of Men

According to the study, women were colder than men. A team of researchers led by Dr. Han Kim of Utah University found that most women's hands and feet almost three degrees colder than men, as are some other body part. Woman's body temperature is higher around the vital organs.
This study was not new, but in the affairs of quietness with a partner, consider the biological differences is key to maintaining the relationship. Moreover, differences in heat or cold liver is often one of the most common source of arguments between couples.
Basically, says Professor Mark Newton, a researcher the University of Portsmouth, women have higher core temperatures to protect them from cold weather. Because muscle mass and less fat woman, man and then giving "shots" of extra heat to the woman's vital parts.
"There is evidence that women are more sensitive to the cold," said Kathryn Sandberg, director of Georgetown University's Center for the Study of Sex Difference in Health, Aging, and Disease, as reported by Slate, Friday (02/11/2011).
He pointed to a study in which men and women are asked to submerge their hands into the ice. The woman immediately pulled his hand out, faster than men.
The menstrual cycle also affects the woman's body temperature differences as much as one degree Celsius while the Pill can increase a woman's core body temperature becomes easier to cool.
And in fact, sensitivity to cold be a warning for women's health.
"Two of the most common health complaints in women are anemic or poor thyroid function. They can make you feel cooler," says CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton.
If your body temperature rises at night, possibly as a result of low cortisol, a hormone-fighting that makes you unable to sleep. In this case, you do not need a doctor, but the warmth

The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone