Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

mayi complain??

may I complain? Though you have been bless with a pair of strong arms to change the world. It worth your gripe? Though you have been awarded the intelligence that allows you to fix everything.

Do you intend to squander it all? then get rid of the burden and responsibilities? Do not force that on yourself, because you fell lamented. Let your heart Be strong. Enforce the shoulder. Don't let the spirit is lost simply because you don't know the answer to your problem.

Don't let fatigue thrust your advantage. Take a deep breath. Get hold of all the universe that exists in your mind. Then again found a glimmer of light behind the clouds. And start taking a new step.

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The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone