Minggu, 11 September 2011

can anyone pray for us

A successful businessman falls in the bathroom and finally a stroke, was 7 nights hospitalized in the ICU. While people asleep in a dream the night, an Angel of the Spirit in the world over to the entrepreneurs who lay berdaya.Malaikat initiate conversation,"If within 24 hours there were 50 people praying for your recovery,then you will live and vice versa if the 24-hour number that I set were not met, it means you will die!
"If only looking for 50 people, it's easy mah ..."Said the businessman was a certainty.
After that the angel went away and promisedwill come an hour before the agreed deadline.At exactly 23:00, Angels back merngunjunginya;with the enthusiasm of the entrepreneur asks, "if tomorrow morning I have recovered? certainly many who prayed for me, the number of employees I've got more than 2000 people, so if only to find 50 people who prayed certainly not a difficult issue ".
Gently the angel said,"My son, I've been around for a consciencewho pray for you but until now only 3 people who pray for you, while you stay 60 minutes longer, it seems impossible that in the near future there are 50 people who prayed for your recovery. "
Without waiting for a reaction from the employers,The angel shows big screen TV in the form of three people who are praying for his recovery. On the screen appeared the face of grief from his wife, beside him there are two small children, the son of his daughter, who prayed fervently and there appears to be tears on their cheeks. "
The angel said, "I'll tell you,why did God give you a second chance missed?it's because your wife's prayers are not dashed hopes will kesembuhanmu "Return visible where the wife was praying at 2:00 at dawn,
"Lord, I know that during my husband's lifenot a good husband or father!I know he has betrayed our marriage,I knew he was dishonest in his business,and even if he contributes,it is only for popularity just to cover his actions are not right in front of you, but God, please view the children which Thou hast Leave it to us, they still need a father and the servant could not raise them alone.
"And after that she stopped to speak but the tears flowing down his cheeks that looked gaunt from lack of rest".
Looking at the event, without felt, tears streaming down her cheeks entrepreneurs. Regret that arise during this time he is not a good husband and father who became an example for their children, and tonight he just realized how much love my wife and kids to him.
Time passed, the time that he had only 10 minutes,see time running out the cry of the entrepreneur, the extraordinary remorse but the timing is too late!not possible within 10 minutes there were 47 people who prayed! With a half-muttered he asked,"Whether among my employees, relatives, business friends,organisasiku no friends who prayed for me? "
Replied the angel,"There are some who pray for you but they are not sincere, there is even grateful for a disease that you suffer now, it's all because you have been arrogant, selfish and not a good boss, you even have the heart to fire employees who are not guilty".
The businessman bowed low,and resignation that tonight is the last night for him,but he asked for a moment to see the child and the wife who faithfully guard all night.Added torrential tears, when looking athis eldest son was asleep in a chair hospitaland the wife who looked too tired to sleeplap in a chair while the youngest.
When the time 24:00 o'clock,suddenly the angel said,"My son, God sees your tears and sorrow!you did not die,because there are 47 people who prayed for you promptly at 24:00 ".With amazement and disbelief,the businessman asked who the 47 people it.Smiling, the angel showsa place he had ever visited last month.
Is not that the Orphanage? said the businessman quietly. True, my son, you never give assistance to them a few months ago, though I know your goal was simply to seek popularity alone and to attract the attention of governments and foreign investors.
This morning, one of the orphanage was read in the newspaper that a businessman had a stroke and had 7 days in ICU, after seeing a picture in the paper and believe that the guy who was in a coma is you, the man who had helped them and finally the orphanage children care agreed to pray for your recovery.
Prayer is powerfully effective, we often lazy, do not have the time, not burdened to pray for others. When we remember an old friend / family, we thought it was just a coincidence when we should pray for him, perhaps just as we remember him in a state of need prayer support from people who loved him.

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The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone