Sabtu, 10 September 2011

The Heart of Men

According to the study, women were colder than men. A team of researchers led by Dr. Han Kim of Utah University found that most women's hands and feet almost three degrees colder than men, as are some other body part. Woman's body temperature is higher around the vital organs.
This study was not new, but in the affairs of quietness with a partner, consider the biological differences is key to maintaining the relationship. Moreover, differences in heat or cold liver is often one of the most common source of arguments between couples.
Basically, says Professor Mark Newton, a researcher the University of Portsmouth, women have higher core temperatures to protect them from cold weather. Because muscle mass and less fat woman, man and then giving "shots" of extra heat to the woman's vital parts.
"There is evidence that women are more sensitive to the cold," said Kathryn Sandberg, director of Georgetown University's Center for the Study of Sex Difference in Health, Aging, and Disease, as reported by Slate, Friday (02/11/2011).
He pointed to a study in which men and women are asked to submerge their hands into the ice. The woman immediately pulled his hand out, faster than men.
The menstrual cycle also affects the woman's body temperature differences as much as one degree Celsius while the Pill can increase a woman's core body temperature becomes easier to cool.
And in fact, sensitivity to cold be a warning for women's health.
"Two of the most common health complaints in women are anemic or poor thyroid function. They can make you feel cooler," says CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton.
If your body temperature rises at night, possibly as a result of low cortisol, a hormone-fighting that makes you unable to sleep. In this case, you do not need a doctor, but the warmth

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The Hope

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Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone