Kamis, 04 September 2008

The condition to do tattoo:

1. healthy conditions and not was in the condition am sick.
2. have eaten 2 hours before do tattoo.
3. do not consume alcohol minimal 1 the previous day.
4. do tattoo not merely want to or self-actualization but also the courage test.

After do tattoo:
1. 3 days after tattoo, is hoped for would to again check results tattoo.
2. maximal 2 hours after tattoo, open the cover bandage tattoo with warm water.
3. give the part that ditattoo with lotion especially (handbody/baby
oil/zambuk), 1 and 2
the time a day (the morning and in the afternoon) for 1
4. during tattoo am not yet dry, in recommend for consumption of vitamin
C for 1 week

5. after 1 week, surface skin that in tattoo will be felt itchy, don't in the scratch so
that results of

the picture that in want to would can satisfy.
6. furthermore the use handbody minimal 1 week very much so that tattoo would
always look
good and fresh.

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The Hope

Take a break for a while from wrong life

Skip Away . . .

God Never bring me this so far just to leave me alone